Saturday, April 9, 2011

38 weeks!!

As of last Thursday I am now 38 weeks!! Woo Hoo! Feels like i have waited an eternity to finally say that. I am so anxious and excited to have this little boy i cant wait to see his face. Not too much longer now! Only 12 days till his due date and hopefully he comes sooner. I have so much pain in my groin and pelvic area its ridiculous. I feel like a complainer, probably because i have been complaining. oops. So far i have been to tripler 3 times and have made progress every single time but not enought to get mister Marcus out. He is already stubborn, wonder where he gets that from...:)
I am dilated to a 2, 80% effaced and at a +1 station. Doc says he could be coming at any time and just to make sure im counting my contractions. I get some really strong ones sometimes but they usually ease out which is beyond frustrating. But i know that when he is ready, which better be soon, he will come and it will be the best day of our lives. I get a lot of menstrual type cramping which end up going into my back as well and they hurt pretty dang bad but they dont last long either..
Im getting more and more curious to see what he looks like and to hold him in my arms. I think he will be 7lbs. Thayn thinks 8lbs and if he is right then Marcus better hurry lol that is a big baby! Its definitely getting more and more exciting as the days go on. Everday we wonder when he will make his appearance!

Another exciting thing coming up is that my mama is going to be here on the 28th! I am so so excited that she can be here. I miss her so much! I know that we are both counting down the days and planning what we are going to make for dinner and all that fun stuff! Its going to be so great having her here and im so thankful she got the chance to be able to come.

Well, here is an updated picture

38 weeks and 2 days!


  1. I'm so excited for you guys Mal! 12 days until your due date! That's nuts! I can't believe lil Marcus will be here any day now! I can't wait to see what he looks like! I'm so glad your mom is able to go there! I know you guys will have so much fun! Good luck in everything! and remember to send me a picture when the little stinker is born! :) Love you and miss you!

  2. YAY Im so excited! You are looking so much bigger the last time I saw a pic! I want him to come NOW! Its hard waiting hu? told you its terrible. After its all done you will be just so happy! I cant wait! :) hang in there.. do some jumping jacks!

  3. Holy!! It's only been like.. 5 days since I've seen you and your belly is HUGE!!!! Can't wait for him to get here!
