Friday, June 29, 2012

A little bit of this.. and that.

A lot has gone on with our little family in the last couple months. First off , we bought a home! It's so adorable! I am in love with it.Its a 5 bed, 2 bath brick rambler. Its pretty much perfect for us. Its plenty of room to grow but for now we have plenty of storage and that is fine with me! Thayn gets his "MAN CAVE" down stairs and i am actually really happy, now he can have his crap in one room. hahaha, jk no but seriously.. :) It took us a few weeks to get completely settled. It took a lot longer then i thought it would, but i forgot how much shi.. i mean crap we have. It may also have something to do with my curious little boy, who now throws fits like he is 2... ah, i will get to him in a minute. We have been doing a lot of yard work. I have always helped my grandma weed, or do other yard work. But oh man. Our yard is in need of some TLC. I mean it could be worse, but you can just tell the people who lived here before didnt really care to much about the yard. Everyone has different priorities but i know that i want our yard to look nice so its staying priority on my list. We have dont a lot so far. We have taken out numerous tree stumps, weeded hundreds of weeds, raked out a ton of leaves and garbage and still have a few more projects to do until its looking the way we want. We have a little white gazebo in the back yard that they used to store all the wood for the wood burning fire place. So we are going to move all of the wood to the other side of the yard and fix up the gazebo. I think its really cute, so im excited to get it all done. They also left a play house. Its a really nice one. It needs a little fixing up and some new paint but i know that it will come in good use. I have loved decorating! I forgot about all the cute things that i had in storage from our apartment in Hawaii. All of my decorations went perfectly with the colors we painted the house with. My next project for the inside is the play room. I want to do it a theme that is cute and gender nuetral.So we are still thinking of some cute ideas. Its not something that needs to be done anytime soon. Its just fun to get ideas and think about it! We also got a kitten that we adopted. Her name is Fiona and now she is about 3 months old. Marcus is mean to her! Oh my gosh.. its a good thing she is sweet. He loves her so much though. When he gets ahold of her, she will let him pick her up and carry her around. It doesnt last long but it is so cute! She is a real good kitty. I am glad we got her. On to my little trouble making little stinker. I cant honestly ever get REAL mad at the kid. Not only does he not know when he is being naughty but he is to cute to ever stay mad at.. Most of the time. Haha. He has grown so much lately. He is looking more like a toddler every day and less like a baby, except for when he sleeps, he still does that sucking motion with his lips and tongue. Its so adorable! He is becoming a better sleeper every night. I think we are almost to the sleeping through the night stage!He is getting lots of hair its just still really really blonde! He is about 24 lbs and 34". He is 18 month clothing and a freaking size 5 shoe! He is a picky eater. But he eats rice, cereal, chicken, potatoes, toast, chicken noodle soup.I cannot believe he is going to be 15 months. Its so fun watching him grow and learn. He is so smart and kind. I am so proud of him. Its pretty darn rewarding when you teach your kiddo something and they learn it like its nothing and then never forget it . Even if its something as simple as blowing on his food when its hot. Its so fun being Mj's mama. I wish i blogged more about him. He makes me laugh every day, and i wish i would type it all down so i could remember it better, atleast i write in the baby book, right? hahaha Well i would like to write more but duty calls! P.s, If anyone is looking, or know anyone who is looking, im going to stay home and try to watch a few kiddos! I am really reasonably priced. So if your interested, let me know!! Thanks!

1 comment:

  1. I love your updates!
    I am so happy for you guys- that things have gone soooo well for you since getting out of the army and all! Even though, I wish you were still here in Hawaii but you know that ;)
    I can't believe your house is 5 bdrms! How lucky is that!? Can't wait to see pictures, and eventually see it in person! I am sure you will have it decorated so dang cute!
    Love you guys TONS!
