Monday, September 26, 2011

Update overload

Last time i blogged it was about Marcus turning 4 months.. well in just a couple weeks he is going to be 6 months! So much has gone on since i last blogged. First off, Thayn got a job! Yayyy. We are so thankful for Alex for helping Thayn get on at Primary Childrens Medical Center. He a plant mechanice and so far he loves it! I am so happy for him and so thankful he found something he loves. We are still living at my grammys and we probably will for a while... we just wanna save up a litte more and find the perfect place for us. Its fun having us all together though. I enjoy it. We got all of our household goods a couple weeks ago and it was so nice! I was so looking forward to having the crib. It has been so hard not having it! Marcus loves his crib too! Our Mazda got to Richfield, CA last weekend so i think Thayn will go next weekend to get it. I was going to go with him but i think that i would have a hard time leaving Marcus. But Thayn and Alex will have a fun little trip!
We are also looking for a new car. Thayn has a 1990 volkswagon corrado and it is just not in the shape we want for him to be commuting to and from salt lake every day. So we are looking for somthing good on gas and reliable for him. Wish us luck!
We got new phones that we are in love with! We havent had nice phones in so long. Its nice.

Marcus scoots backwards now. He gets into the crawling position but just doenst quite get what to do yet. I dont think it will be long though until he is crawling around everywhere. He loves to scoot though. He makes sure im watching him as he taked off backwards. He is such a hoot. He loves his jumper and his johnny jump up. He is definitely teething now. He loves to lounge in his swing and watch the tv. He is facsintated with violet, the cat, she doesnt let him get to close though. His sleeping pattern hasnt changed much. still wakes up to nurse once or twice. He is eating baby food. So far he has had squash, sweet potatoes, green beans, peas, bananas, pears, peaches, apples, and of course some baby rice cereal. He loves them all so much. Its hilarious when he eats! He looks like he is chewing it and then says "mmmm" after every bite. Its too cute! He sits up pretty good... and i know it will just keep getting better. He is still blonde and blue eyed :) He giggles and smiles non stop. He thinks my sister in laws dogs are the funniest thing in the world. He is in 6 month clothing and has been for the past month. He likes car rides and to be out and about. I forgot to mentioned that he likes french fries.. i know, im bad. He will take a binky, but they just arent his favorite things. I think Marcus weighs about 16.5 lbs but i guess we will see at his next appointment.

I am so so excited for our new medical insurance to kick in so i can take Marcus to a new doctor. I am not complaining about our free insurance, im just excited to get him a pediatrician! Our new insurance starts on the 1st of November! Im so glad we have caitlin to show us all the insurance business.. we are so out of the loop. So thanks bunches cait for helping us!

We just recently got our family pics done and they are ADORABLE! I cant wait to post them online.. which i promise to do.

I will apolize once again, i am sorry, i am a terrible blogger.. but thanks to those who read!

Till next time!


  1. i love when you blog! its good to hear about you guys. we miss you a ton here, that is for sure! i am glad you guys are doing well though and the adjustment has been easy! love you mal!

  2. He's growing up so quick! can't wait to see the family pictures!

  3. Mallory,

    I love your pics, they were adorable. Isn't it so crazy how fast they grow. I can't believe Marcus is almost 6 months!
